Wednesday 16 February 2011


This is another way we have been accumulating feedback. Through the use of tumblr. It is a blogging site that has only recently become popular. I think that in the next year, tumblr will be the more popular social networking site.

We've also used facebook. I thought it'd be easier to post on Gabrielle's fan page, as she has over 13,000 fans on there so it would be relatively simple to get some feedback.


We started looking for feedback from some of Gabrielle's fans today. We want to use what they have said about her song in our ancillary task for our CD booklet. We thought that it would be cool to have a few quotes, saying what they thought of her song in the last page. I think it gives it a more personal feel, and proves how much she cares about the fans.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


I haven't updated this in a while due to preparation for our exam, so here is a little update just to say what we've been doing over the last 2 months.

In retrospect to our project, I can't say we've made much, if any progress in the past 2 months, but we've talked about what we're going to do, and what we think would work well in our piece. We've just taken quite a few shots for our ancillary task, and though they may not be exactly what we stated we'd like them to look like, I think they could work well. We experimented with fonts beforehand, and have those ideas written down so we can go back to them if we want to use them.

We used our original ideas for where we wanted to take the photos, which was good as it is close, and looks quite picturesque. It is a simple place to take simple shots, we will edit the shots to make them more how we would like them to look.

Videos we've used as inspiration for our video:

We took ideas from both of these videos, and incorperated our own. Although we don't have as much range in narrative shot as we would have liked, I feel that the video has come together well and could still be good. I am really pleased with what we've accomplished as we've had lots of distractions when it came to the video itself.

These two videos gave us ideas for the narrative, and shot types. Especially Clean White Love, we took most inspiration from this video. It is a vintage style video and it looks really good with that style of song.
We looked into so many different videos from this genre of music (Acoustic Ffolk pop) and these are the two that stood out to us the most.